Global Massage Makes Me Happy & Healthy Day

“Massage Makes Me Happy” (said anyone who’s had one) 

 Massage can indeed bring happiness. Studies show that it alleviates stress, helps manage pain, and reduces depression. In short, after a massage, you just feel better–emotionally and physically. If you’re someone who makes massage part of their self-care strategy or you just treat yourself once a year, this is no surprise. The multitude of benefits that massage offers is the chief reason we think celebrating Massage Makes Me Happy Day on March 20 is important. But, to be fair, the 19th and 21st work just as well.   

 First, What Is Massage Makes Me Happy?  

 Part of the Global Wellness Institute Initiative, Massage Makes Me Happy is a global movement that aims to celebrate the healing powers of massage therapy and promote its benefits through research, education, advocacy, and awareness. You can join that movement and celebrate Massage Makes Me Happy Day by connecting with a friend and suggesting you take a break one day to enjoy a service. It’s way more than just pampering – not that’s there’s anything wrong with that, haha.

 Want to Learn More About the Benefits of Massage?  

 If you want to be a massage nerd, this link will take you to a collection of research, provided by the Global Wellness Institute.  Wellness Evidence Databases.  

We hope to see you on the the table soon!


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